Home Made De-Tan Body Wrap

Home Made De-Tan Body Wrap



Hi Everyone,

I hope all of you are doing well! Its been a really long time since I last posted any DIY recipes. Its almost summer in Dubai and having lived here almost all my life, I know how unforgiving summers can me, especially on the skin.

My olive brown Indian skin tends to tan easily. Even an hour in the sun makes me visibly tanned and considering that it takes a few weeks for the tan to wear off (Time I cant afford as I am very impatient), I usually resort to my favorite and most tried and tested De-tan mask and it always works.

Last month I had been trekking in Triund and paragliding in Bir Billing, it was only for 4 days, but the tanning was soooo bad, based on my experience, I knew it would take almost 6 months to get rid of it. What made it more disturbing for me was the fact that the area on my wrist covered by wrist watch was obviously not tanned and the area immediately around it was almost 4 shades darker  🙁

I went back to my most tried and tested mud mask and as usual it worked. This body wrap should be applied after using a body scrub, you can try different types of body scrubs/polishers based on whats available in your pantry, like sugar scrubs, salt scrubs, oats powder, etc. I personally love using the coffee body scrub as it is not too harsh on my skin, love the smell and its good at reducing cellulite too.

What you need for the body wrap:

Sandalwood powder 2 tablespoons

Fullers Earth or any similar clay 4 tablespoons (I used Fullers earth and bentonite clay as bentonite is known to even out the skin tone)

Fresh Milk/ rose water based on the consistency you want of the mask. (I prefer a thicker consistency as it wont get messy)

So I did this for the last two weeks, twice a week usually on Fridays and Tuesdays after work and I have seen great results.

So, in case you would like to get rid of tan, you should try this out and let me know!

Bye for now!



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