Happy New Year 2018!!

Happy New Year 2018!!

Hey There!!

We at PrettySutra wish you a beautiful, pampered and luxurious new year 2018! May all your wildest dreams and beauty fantasies come true!

May you make challenging and exciting New Year beauty routines and resolutions and follow them through to the end of the year religiously.

May we all grow to love and embrace ourselves just the way we are…we are true exquisite beauty within and without….

This New Year I have made the following resolutions and have decided to reward myself at the year end by taking a spa-cation if I religiously stick to them:

  1. Follow a natural and organic diet, include seasonal veggies and drink lots of water
  2. Do yoga daily
  3. Do Cardio on alternate days
  4. Wake up early!! (Yes, I am still struggling to do that even in my mid Twenties!)
  5. Make a blog post 5 days in a week (Initially I was so over-ambitious that I wanted to make a post everyday! Crazy me :))

Well that is it! My resolution list is short and cute. Apart from the above list, I intend to strive for more work life balance and be positive and happy most of the time! And also to not be lazy…

Whenever I make new year resolutions, I get overwhelmed by that feeling of ambition, achievement, positivity and can do spirit and really feel like the world is my oyster! But, welcome February and I would already be dreading my resolutions and by May I would be filled with guilt for not actually keeping up with them, by July I would have completely gone off track and finally forgotten all about them by October 😐

Well, is my list similar to your resolutions list? I would like to hear about your list and  your progress. I would love to have company in fighting my battle with my revolutions and share our stories 🙂

Happy New Year everyone!!! Here’s to keeping with my 5th Resolution 🙂 so I have already started my efforts, what about you?

Bye for now!PS NY 18





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