The Cinnamon Secret

The Cinnamon Secret

Hello There!

I have been experimenting a lot with Cinnamon for formulating my new line of handmade beauty products. In this blog post, I am sharing my experience with you so that you can try them out at home yourself!

As we all know, cinnamon is widely used in the kitchen to make a lot of things, from soothing cinnamon tea to yummy cinnamon rolls. It is also known to help with weight loss.

Here are some of the most popular and ancient beauty combinations using this spice:

Cinnamon honey face scrub and mask

Take 2 table spoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder and mix it to make a smooth paste.

Directions: Apply on a clean dry face and massage in circular motion for 3-5 minutes avoiding the eyes. Leave it on for another 8-10 minutes. Rinse with luke warm water and pat dry. This mixture may slightly tingle on your face, so rinse it off within 5-6 minutes if this happens.

(In case you have sensitive skin, you can substitute half the quantity of cinnamon powder with rice powder as cinnamon powder may be a little strong for your skin )

This simple and mild scrub has a lot of beauty benefits too:

  1. Cinnamon helps in improving blood circulation and gives a natural glow to the skin while honey, being a natural humectant plumps up the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  2. Troubled with acne? This scrub would work miracles for you! Go on try it and see. Apply this paste on pimples and leave it on overnight. The pimples would dry out. Cinnamon is know for reducing acne since ancient times and has been widely used for this purpose in south east asia.

Cinnamon hair re-growth mask

Cinnamon is know for stimulating hair growth and strengthening hair. This mask is easy to prepare and apply without getting messy.

Mix 2 tablespoons cinnamon powder with 5 tablespoons castor oil and 2 tablespoons coconut oil to form a smooth paste.

Directions: Warm the castor oil and coconut oil until luke warm. Mix in the cinnamon powder to make a smooth paste. Apply on hair and massage the scalp for 2 minutes. Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes. Shampoo as usual.

This mask improves blood circulation on the scalp at the same time nourishing and moisturizing the hair from root to tip. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of cinnamon help in treating dandruff too!

Instead of using the minoxidil based hair serum recommended by my dermat, I have started using this mask for the last 2 weeks. I am patiently waiting for the results 😊.

However, it is recommended to do a patch test before trying out this mixture as cinnamon can cause skin irritation in some cases.

Bye for now! Will be back soon with another post.



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